Sunday, August 18, 2013

Say goodnight, Maureen!

I sent the following to the Letters Editor of the New York Times re Maureen Dowd, but, of course, it won't be printed:

"The Irish are infamous for holding grudges (says this proud holder of an Irish passport) but Maureen Dowd has raised it to an art form, of the Jeff Koons variety."

They did not publish my comment today to Dowd's column (now lost in cyberspace), mainly I'm sure because I criticized the Times for keeping her on.  She is an absolute bore with her hatred of the Clintons, and the thought of another 2-3 years of columns hating the Clintons is really unbearable.  It surprises me that the Times would even publish a column that blames the Clintons for Anthony Weiner's behavior and for every other ill in this world.  I try to imagine at times what led to this hatred and I can only assume from the size of Dowd's ego that one or the other, or both, of the Clintons didn't give her a seat on Air Force One or didn't invite her to some party that she thought was her due.  It's ironic that she writes of the Clintons wanting their due when it's so apparent that this is Dowd's problem.

I'm happy to note, however, that most of the comments that were published call Dowd a mean, vindictive woman, and a few, as I have noted in the past, suggest that Dowd is a closeted Republican.  Here's a link to the column.  Be careful in reading, the poison drips off the page.

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