Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Baby Killers!

Words make a difference.  Those against abortion got there first, and best, with their phrase "Pro Life." The "Pro Choice" people got stuck with a far less powerful phrase to describe their political view, that women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies.  I'm sure there was a better way to express the latter, perhaps "Pro Freedom," particularly since those on the right insist, except when it doesn't suit their purposes, that their main focus as Americans is to protect our freedoms.

So how do those, like me, who are anti gun (and yes I mean anti-gun, not gun control) fight the monsters who insist on their "second amendment rights" (a subject I will discuss in another blog).  We need a term that is highly visible in its imagery and which also makes those who support the proliferation of guns feel pain and guilt.  My choice is "baby killers." We need a national movement, something like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) to make a difference.  Do I believe anyone else will adopt the phrase "baby killers"?  No, I don't, as we are so fearful in this country of offending those on the right, but the phrase expresses for me the contempt I have for those who belong to the NRA, for those, like Nancy Lanza, who purchase semi automatic weapons for target practice, and, yes, for those who find pleasure in hunting and killing animals, and for all those who continue to ignore the murders of thousands of people every year, many of them children, and, when challenged, cite their Second Amendment rights.

What I find particularly ugly is that it takes a mass shooting of white children living in an affluent suburb of Connecticut to get the nation's attention. We seem not to be bothered in the least about all the deaths of black youths living in ghettos in places like Chicago and Detroit.  But if the deaths of white children is what it takes, so be it.  I hope, finally, that we are at the beginning of eliminating guns from American homes. Banning assaults weapons should only be a beginning, not an end. I hope anyone who reads here will sign at least one of the anti-gun petitions making the rounds on the internet.  Please!

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