Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Women: Our own worst enemies!

At times I despair of my sex. Women have endured centuries of oppression by men, yet when some women have the opportunity to live equal lives with men, far too many elect to continue their subservience.  The mother of the Boston bombers is an excellent example.  She came to this country and after being here for years she decides, against the express wishes of her husband, to wear Muslim garb and to adopt the discriminatory practices of Islam.  It's easy to understand that some women are brutalized into subservience by their fathers, brothers, and spouses, but when they do it willingly and then push their sons to these practices I am floored (I almost wrote speechless but when am I ever speechless?).  It's not just the mother of the two bombers but the wife of the older one.  An American, born into a middle class background in Rhode Island, she willingly converts to Islam and adopts the habits of women in Islam, except, of course, for the 70-80 hours a day she worked as a care giver while her husband stayed home and made bombs.  I wish we could bring back the mother from Russia and try her for idiocy, if not for complicity in murder.

All that work on the part of feminists of the 60's and 70's and look where it's gotten us:  Lindsey Lohan, Kim Kardashian, and the many women who believe that their main job in life is to expose their breasts.  Will we ever learn?

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