There's been a lot published in the last two days on the recent debate at the Reagan Library. It was a night filled with lies, innuendoes, nasty comments about each other, Barack Obama, and Hilliary Clinton. Oh, and let me not leave out John Roberts, head of the Supreme Court. Apparently, Ted Cruz will never forgive his vote on the Affordable Health Care Act. And Jed Bush agreed with him--let us remind you that it was Jed's brother who made the appointment. But it's almost impossible to write about every silly remark and every outright lie, so I'll focus on the ones I thought the most egregious:
Bush: Whatever you may say about my brother, "he kept us safe. WHAT? was what I screamed at the TV? How could he say something so outrageous on TV when everyone knows 9/11 happened during his presidency, and when everyone should know (but then most Americans don't read) that there had been warnings for months that something was going to happen and Bush and his neo-cons ignored them. And then, he made special arrangements so the Bin Laden family could get out of New York City after the attack. If he gets the Republican nomination, then I must conclude that Republicans are perhaps the stupidest people on the face of our planet.
Fiorini: She had the audacity to announce on TV that there were videos of Planned Parenthood with a "live" fetus on a table with its heart beating and legs pumping, trying to keep its brain alive so it could sell the fetus tissue. First, there is no such video, never has been, and never could be one, as the concept of a fetus with beating heart and pumping legs lying on a table not connected to anything is not feasible. Yet none of the other candidates, including the two doctors, challenged her on this outrageous statement.
Christie: The me, me, me, me, and more me New Jersey Governor lecturing Fiorina and Trump because they kept talking about themselves and their careers. That's about equal to Trump wanting his presidential code name to be "humble."
The biggest blooper of the night was that of Bush when asked which woman's picture should be on the $10 bill. He said Margaret Thacher. I think that will be what absolutely keeps him from getting the Republican nomination. Can you imagine TV ads constantly showing his response, in effect telling American woman that there is no American woman worthy of recognition. I'm still amazed about that--how could he have said something so ridiculous and that on top of his saying that there was too much money in women's health care. Wow.
Lots of other silly stuff went on, including Hucklebee suggesting his wife's picture so she could spend her own money. Not in the least funny and very denigrating to women as well.
I could go on for pages but you'll have to catch me on the next debate, when I intend to do live commentary.
Well, I'm back and I do hope I haven't lost my readers. It's been a long time.
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