Monday, November 14, 2016

Pin it!

The "safety pin campaign" started in England after the Brexit vote.  You wear it visibly so that others can see it.  Its point was to reassure minorities and immigrants that they had friends who would look out for them. It is now catching hold here for the same reason, since the election of Trump.

I ordered 30 large silver pins from Amazon and plan not only to wear one myself, both on outer clothing and inner clothing, but I will carry a few with me wherever I go.  If someone acts interested I will tell them the reasoning behind it and offer them one to wear, and another if they promise to give it to someone else.  You can get thirty large silver safety pins from Amazon for a bit over $10.00.  If you want to join the "Pin it!" campaign order some or just use the plain small ones that you can buy just about anywhere.  It's a visible display of our disgust at the bigotry and misogyny celebrated by Trumpism.

Do it!  Pin it!

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