Wednesday, February 12, 2020

No longer confused!

Much thanks to Chris Hayes of MSNBC for straightening me out.  Like so many New Hampshire primary voters I've been searching for a guarantee that whomever I vote for in the primaries will insure that we never have to see or hear from Donald Trump again.  I even contemplated supporting Michael Bloomberg, a man that I intensely disliked when he was mayor of New York, primarily for his stop and frisk policies.

But tonight after the polls had closed in NH and I was listening to the pundits/analysts/bullshitters on MSNBC, one woman was denigrating the voters who had put Bernie Sanders first, suggesting that they had an obligation to consider how moderate voters, democratic and republican, would view Sanders and should have cast their vote for someone who can beat Trump.  As if she could know who that is! It took Chris Hayes to correct her, and thankfully me, when he disagreed.  Voters, he said, have no idea what will happen in the future and their only obligation is to pick a candidate who represents their values.  Whew!  Such a relief to no longer torture myself worrying about Trump.  My preference has always been Elizabeth Warren, with Bernie second.  And now that it appears Elizabeth won't make it to the end (sigh!) I will support Bernie without worrying about what those in the south or midwest will do, or not do. 

Go for it Bernie!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! No longer confused!
    I know NYC is totally rife
    withe liberal mindset whicb
    sez,'ha! aint no god!! we can
    live any damm way we choose!!'
    Yeah? Sure bout that??
    Im a NDEr... as have millions
    of others all-over-this-world.
    Love you.
    Cya soon.
