Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have something to celebrate this year with the Democrats in the White House and a majority in the Senate.  On a personal level, I'm just getting over the flu but still sporting a doozy of a black eye.  The Apple magsafe power cord is not so safe.  Fortunately, Apple fixed my computer without charge--a minor fix caused by the fall.  Apple couldn't do anything about my eye though.

So much to talk about politically, and I promise to return soon to our very broken political system.  The fiscal cliff looms, but from my perspective better for us to fall off the cliff than capitulate again to the Republicans.  I can only hope that with Obama not running again he finally stands up to the Tea Party.  Gaza knocked Libya and the Petraeus scandal off the front pages for a few days but now that we have a cease fire they'll be back.  Still difficult to believe that our four-star generals don't have sufficient savvy to recognize plain-old-fashioned fawners from manipulative users. The Tampa twins certainly knew how to play brass, no doubt because they both play instruments.  Jill Kelly, using Petraeous's name, was looking for an $80 million commission from the Korean government for a gas deal.  Her sister used them to try for custody of her child--the judge who gave full custody to the husband called her a manipulative liar.  Really, and the generals couldn't see it.  These are the men we entrust with our national security!

Now, of course, with the election over, Limbaugh and others are honing in on Hillary, convinced she's the one to beat four years from now.  I hope that's true as I would be delighted if she became our next president.  Apparently, Hillary rigged the cease fire to retire with honors.  If they could get away with it, they'd accuse her of launching the rockets from both sides to start a war that she would then stop.  I'm sure I've said this before but Republicans lack the intelligence and judgment of most fifth graders, and that's insulting to at least 50% of them.

Anyway, happy holiday.

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