Friday, November 9, 2012

Who do you think you're kidding?

The new Republican argument, the reason they say for their losing, is that more people are takers and not makers.  Let's get this straight!  Red states pay less in taxes and get more in benefits than people in blue states, where we reliably vote Democratic.  I'm tired of the southern states and small western states having so much say in running this country. Now I'll sound like a crass self-centered Republican (but don't take me too seriously)--I'm tired of taking care of racist Republicans. You know what:  follow Rick Perry's advice: secede. We have no one of the caliber of Lincoln in our government today, so you can do this without penalty.  Honestly, we won't miss you.

The irony:  I attended an opening of "Lincoln" last night and loved it.

N.A.  I noticed after the fact that I reversed the colors that identify Republican vs. Democratic states.  I always have a problem with the colors, I suppose because I'm a leftist and used from an early age of being called a "red" by persons who disagreed with my views.  I'll get the hang of it eventually.


  1. And your basis for calling Republicans racist?

  2. Because they are, horribly racist. Your basis for thinking they are not racist? But perhaps you didn't see the Capitol black police telling us how many of your lovely Republicans called them the "N" word. If you believe Republicans are not racist, I suggest you stop pulling the blankets over your head.
