Friday, November 9, 2012

David Petraeus resigns!

I am a firm believer in marriage fidelity, from all angles, which is why I made it a firm rule when I was in my 20's to never date a married man.  I lived that rule when I was married.  You don't cheat on your spouse.  But even considering my contempt for people who do cheat, Petraeus's announcement that he's leaving the CIA because he had an extra-marital affair leaves me puzzled.  What do his personal failures have to do with his work for the CIA?  This follows my thinking on Bill Clinton's affairs.  It was his wife Hillary's concern and not that of the public. Clinton was good at his job and for the rest of us that should have been our sole concern.

So about Petraeus, was the woman someone he worked with? Is his wife demanding this for keeping the marriage together? Or is he using this as an excuse because he doesn't want to acknowledge failure in Libya?  This one has me totally confused and I'm really curious as to the whys of this decision.  I suppose at some future date we'll find out.  But forcing men out of jobs (particularly politicians who are the least honorable of men) because of marriage infidelity has always seemed to me both ridiculous and hypocritical.  Remember how many Republicans were having or had had affairs of their own yet proceeded to vilify Clinton about Monica.  We are ruled by hypocrisy.


To be confirmed but apparently the FBI is investigation the woman involved, Paula Broadwell, for getting access to classified material, supposedly from Petraeus.  Apparently, she wrote a biography of Petraeus and had unusual access to him.  If this is true, then 'yes' he should resign.  But still to be confirmed.

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